




IKEv2 Proposal

IKEv2 proposal是IKE SA中协商转换集(Transforms Collection)在IKE_SA_INIT交换中的一部分。在协商过程中转换类型如下:

  • Encryption algorithm
  • Integrity algorithm
  • Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) algorithm
  • Diffie-Hellman (DH) group
R1(config)#crypto ikev2 proposal ikev2-proposal 
IKEv2 Proposal commands:
  encryption  Set encryption algorithm(s) for proposal
  exit        Exit from IKEv2 proposal configuration mode
  group       Set the Diffie-Hellman group(s)
  integrity   Set integrity hash algorithm(s) for proposal
  no          Negate a command or set its defaults

IKEv2 policy

IKEv2 policy包含用于在SA_INIT交换中协商 加密,完整性,PRF算法和DH组。

R1(config)#crypto ikev2 policy ikev2-policy 
IKEv2 Policy commands:
  exit      Exit from IKEv2 policy configuration mode
  match     Match values of local fields
  no        Negate a command or set its defaults
  proposal  Specify Proposal

IKEv2 Keyring

IKEv2 Keyring是对称和非对称预共享密钥的存储库。

R1(config)#crypto ikev2 keyring ikev2-keyring
IKEv2 Keyring commands:
  exit  Exit from crypto ikev2 keyring sub mode
  no    Negate a command or set its defaults
  peer  Configure a Peer and associated keys

IKEv2 Profile

IKEv2 profile是IKE SA的不可协商(NonNegotiable)参数的存储库,如本地或远程身份和身份验证方法和可用相匹配的配置文件,经过身份验证的对等体提供的服务。

R1(config)#crypto ikev2 profile ikev2-profile
IKEv2 profile commands:
  aaa               Specify AAA related configs
  authentication    Set authentication method
  config-exchange   config-exchange options
  description       Specify a description of this profile
  dpd               Enable IKE liveness check for peers
  exit              Exit from crypto ikev2 profile sub mode
  identity          Specify IKE identity to use
  initial-contact   initial-contact processing
  ivrf              I-VRF of the profile
  keyring           Specify keyring to use
  lifetime          Set lifetime for ISAKMP security association
  match             Match values of peer
  nat               NAT-transparency
  no                Negate a command or set its defaults
  pki               Specify certificate authorities to trust
  redirect          IKEv2 Redirect Mechanism for load-balancing
  virtual-template  Specify the virtual-template for dynamic interface

IPsec Transform-set

crypto ipsec transform-set是定义变换集(To define a transform set),定义适合的安全协议和加密算法。

R1(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set ikev2-transform-set esp-aes esp-sha-hmac
Crypto transform configuration commands:
  default  Set a command to its defaults
  exit     Exit from crypto transform configuration mode
  mode     encapsulation mode (transport/tunnel)
  no       Negate a command or set its defaults

crypto map

crypto 集合,集合内容如下。

  • set peer      关联IPsec对等体
  • set transform-set  关联转换集
  • set ikev2-profile  关联SA_INIT交换中协商参数
  • match address  定义感兴趣数据流
R2(config)#crypto map ikev2-map 10 ipsec-isakmp
Crypto Map configuration commands:
  default        Set a command to its defaults
  description    Description of the crypto map statement policy
  dialer         Dialer related commands
  exit           Exit from crypto map configuration mode
  match          Match values.
  no             Negate a command or set its defaults
  qos            Quality of Service related commands
  reverse-route  Reverse Route Injection.
  set            Set values for encryption/decryption


  1. 通过ikev2 proposal定义 Encryption,Hash Algorithm,Diffie-Hellman group,这一步类似于IKEv1中的“crypto isakmp policy”。
  2. 通过policy去调用proposal,这样做的好处是,当需要配置多个VPN的时候,不需要每一个VPN去配置Encryption,Hash Algorithm,Diffie-Hellman group这些信息,直接调用之前配置好的proposal即可。
  3. 配置keying,在keying中配置对等体的IP地址,并且配置预共享密钥。
  4. 配置profile配置集合,确定认证方式和调用秘钥
  5. 配置transform-set指定ipsec vpn模式,传输模式or隧道模式。
  6. 配置感兴趣的数据流,通过ACL。
  7. 配置crypto map集合,并在接口下应用。



crypto ikev2 proposal ikev2-proposal
 encryption1 aes-cbc-256
 integrity2 sha512
 group3 16
crypto ikev2 policy ikev2-policy 
 match fvrf4 any
 proposal5 ikev2-proposal
crypto ikev2 keyring ikev2-keyring
 peer6 ccie43413
  pre-shared-key8 local ccie43413
  pre-shared-key9 remote ccie43413
crypto ikev2 profile ikev2-profile
 match identity remote address 10
 authentication remote pre-share11
 authentication local pre-share 12
 keyring local ikev2-keyring13
crypto ipsec transform-set ikev2-transform-set esp-aes esp-sha-hmac 
 mode tunnel
crypto map ikev2-map 10 ipsec-isakmp 
 set peer
 set transform-set ikev2-transform-set 
 set ikev2-profile ikev2-profile
 match address vpn
ip access-list extended vpn
 permit ip host host


1.Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2)

2.IKEv1/IKEv2 Between Cisco IOS and strongSwan Configuration Example

3.IPSec Network Security Commands


  1. Specifies one or more transforms of the encryption type.
  2. Specifies one or more transforms of the integrity algorithm type
  3. Specifies the Diffie-Hellman (DH) group identifier.A generally acccepted guideline recommends the use of a 2048-bit group after 2013 (until 2030). Either group 14 or group 24 can be selected to meet this guideline
  4. (Optional) Matches the policy based on a user-configured FVRF or any FVRF.这部分详细,请参阅Configuring VPNs in VRF Mode
  5. Specifies the proposals that must be used with the policy.
  6. Defines the peer or peer group and enters IKEv2 keyring peer configuration mode.
  7. Specifies an IPv4 or IPv6 address or range for the peer.
  8. Specifies the preshared key for the peer
  9. Specifies the preshared key for the peer
  10. Use the match statements to select an IKEv2 profile for a peer:
  11. Specifies the local or remote authentication method.
  12. Specifies the local or remote authentication method.
  13. Specifies the local or AAA-based keyring that must be used with the local and remote preshared key authentication method

